Dennis loved teaching, particularly at Philadelphia University, where he was the Interim Dean of the School of Design and Media.
Dennis had hoped to have a scholarship started in his memory to support students in the design field. Thanks to the kind and generous contributions from family and friends, there has begun a scholarship fund in his name. I am hoping that we can reach the goal of making this fund into an ongoing scholarship in Dennis' name, ensuring his legacy at the place he liked to refer to as his second home and family.
Contributions to the Dennis Kuronen Scholarship Fund can be mailed directly to:
Joshua E. Liss
Assistant Vice President of Development Operations
Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Philadelphia University
School House Lane and Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144-5497
Contributions may also be made online at
Please make sure all gifts are directed to the Dennis Kuronen Scholarship Fund.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Never Better
The Celebration of Dennis at Philadelphia University on Valentine's Day, was just as Dennis would have wanted, complete with family, friends, food, music, and drink. And stories, lots of stories, for and from so many.
My very brave daughter, Jessica, read a story on my behalf:
I want thank each and every individual here,
each for the varied ways you have embraced my family into yours.
All the kind thoughts, the brave actions, the sincere stories, the deep prayers, and all of the delicious homemade foods, have sustained my family throughout this journey.
We could not have done this without any of you, near and far,
so for that I gratefully thank each of you.
People ask how I am doing, how the girls are doing.
I try to answer as Dennis had answered everyday
for the past year, no matter how hard the journey became
. . . “never better.”
The past year was the best and the worst year,
it brought Dennis and I closer to each other
in ways I never could have imagined.
This entire journey, with my very best friend and soul mate Dennis,
couldn’t have been any better.
And now, seeing a bit Dennis in each of you,
I know we will all be “never better”
and journey on with Dennis as a guiding light
in each of our hearts.
We all have Dennis stories to share.
Share them freely, as Dennis would want.
Today the blanket of new snow reminds me to feel graced in awe at the beauty of the moment. Just as Dennis would want.
My very brave daughter, Jessica, read a story on my behalf:
I want thank each and every individual here,
each for the varied ways you have embraced my family into yours.
All the kind thoughts, the brave actions, the sincere stories, the deep prayers, and all of the delicious homemade foods, have sustained my family throughout this journey.
We could not have done this without any of you, near and far,
so for that I gratefully thank each of you.
People ask how I am doing, how the girls are doing.
I try to answer as Dennis had answered everyday
for the past year, no matter how hard the journey became
. . . “never better.”
The past year was the best and the worst year,
it brought Dennis and I closer to each other
in ways I never could have imagined.
This entire journey, with my very best friend and soul mate Dennis,
couldn’t have been any better.
And now, seeing a bit Dennis in each of you,
I know we will all be “never better”
and journey on with Dennis as a guiding light
in each of our hearts.
We all have Dennis stories to share.
Share them freely, as Dennis would want.
Today the blanket of new snow reminds me to feel graced in awe at the beauty of the moment. Just as Dennis would want.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Mapping of an Idea
A Gathering for Celebration
There will be a celebration of Dennis on
Sunday, February 14
2 - 4pm
Kanbar Campus Center
Philadelphia University,
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Please see The Philadelphia Inquirer article
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Next Journey
At 10:40pm on Saturday, Dennis peacefully passed away. Surrounded by his family and a swirling snow storm, he took his last breath with grace, dignity, and peace.
There will be a memorial service celebrating Dennis' life on Sunday, February 14 at Philadelphia University. Details will be posted at a later time.
Dennis had requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in his honor to a scholarship to benefit his passion, the education of a student at Philadelphia University. Details will be posted at a later time.
I am so grateful and humbled by the vast outpouring of love sent to Dennis during this time. This support paved the way for the peaceful change from his broken body to each of your loving hearts. He will live on in each of us, and for that I sincerely thank each of you.
There will be a memorial service celebrating Dennis' life on Sunday, February 14 at Philadelphia University. Details will be posted at a later time.
Dennis had requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in his honor to a scholarship to benefit his passion, the education of a student at Philadelphia University. Details will be posted at a later time.
I am so grateful and humbled by the vast outpouring of love sent to Dennis during this time. This support paved the way for the peaceful change from his broken body to each of your loving hearts. He will live on in each of us, and for that I sincerely thank each of you.
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Dance Continues

Monday, February 1, 2010
A Tradition of Love

For the past ten years, starting on the first day of February and continuing daily until Valentine's Day, Dennis would make a valentine and hide it somewhere in the house for the girls to find. We all delighted in this February ritual, taking the time before the hectic start of school and work to hunt for and marvel at the creation of love Dennis constructed for us. It started out as small cards made of paper, and over the years progressed into more elaborate sculptural objects. When the girls got older, they began to take turns making the valentines, spending hours in the studio together, using humble materials at hand to create a magical symbol of love.

Dennis continues to rest comfortably. He slips in and out of lucidity, sometimes confused and other times clear and commanding. He is frustrated that his body is failing and will not follow his commands.

Dennis feels safe and comforted by our presence, but gets confused by other peoples voices so we keep visitors to a minimum. When he gets confused, the first question he asks is "What is the truth," the question one could always count on Dennis asking.

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