Golfing was the perfect activity to keep reality at bay as we waited for Dennis' most recent test results. While the short course we played at was a bit surreal, we were able to enjoy the warm autumn day.
The anxiety of waiting to hear the test results and what the next 6 weeks, until the next test, will bring into our lives has its own surreal qualities. Since Dennis has been off of any kind of treatment for the past two months, this test was especially significant. We found that without any treatment, the tumor has grown slightly. This will bring Dennis back into chemotherapy, with the hopes of stopping the tumor growth and any spreading to other parts of his body.

We live from test to test with a profound sense of gratitude
that our days are so filled with so many experiences.
that our days are so filled with so many experiences.

Another amazing entry. It's making me wonder if I'm taking the time to be grateful in my life... because there's really so much to be grateful for!