Saturday, January 16, 2010

Caring Hands

So many people have offered and given help to Dennis during the past few weeks. He so enjoys the visits he gets from friends and family, giving focus and meaning to his days. We are both so very grateful for the community of help.

Dennis continues to struggle with the accumulation of fluids, called ascites. They seem to be accumulating faster and the procedure to get rid of them more difficult to tolerate. He is needing more pain medications which have their difficult side effects.

Dennis is alone for about 3 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. He does need to be checked up on during the times I am away from home, so I am asking our community of friends to help with Dennis' care during these times. I have started a volunteer calendar on if anyone is interested in helping us through this time.

Dennis continues to be a true warrior, rising everyday with verve and determination and never a complaint about his plight. He speaks about the blessed life that he continues to live, grateful for the time spent with loved ones. It is I that is blessed with the presence of such a bodhisattva.


  1. Hi Guys - So wish we could be there to help. Perhaps another visit is in order... I would probably need to bring Zoe and thus would be happy to stay at hotel. For the time I'm there I'd be happy to hang out with Dennis. Please let me know if this would be more of a hindrance or a help. Thinking of you!


  2. Sorry I don't live closer. Here's a link to one of my books that I think you would both enjoy. Much love, BF

  3. Whoops, forgot to make it a "hot" link. Sorry. Click here.

  4. Dennis, hello from the frozen tundra of SD.Finally reconnected with David Super.Gave me your blog. Bobby Rick, Kip Matkins, Mary and I have been thinking and praying about you. I married Mary Stoddard, your old neighbor. We have been married 40 yrs this year. Talked to Mary Hines this A.M.and gave her your blog. I know I can't help but, I hope I gave you a warm fuzzy knowing that old friends are thinking about you and wishing you the best. Dan Regan
